5 Ways to Market Your Etsy Shop Online

The saying that “Every opportunity is a Marketing Opportunity” first came from a professional marketing teacher who is highly respected as one of the best in the profession.

When you think about those words, it makes you conscious of news ways and opportunity that can be employed to get yourself even more sales on Etsy.

So, do you want to know how to sell on Etsy?

Then we have some Etsy selling tips that you will definitely interest you.

Before you even start an Etsy shop, you should know a few things about selling on etsy and marketing generally.

The first thing you should know is that no one can do marketing for your business like you can.

This is because you are probably way more knowledgeable about whatever product you are selling on Etsy.

The stress you went through to create the product is also an extra motivation like none other, guaranteeing that you would do a better job at marketing the product than most marketers.

For example, if you produce organic lip gloss, or Eco-friendly purse, then who do you think would be able to explain its benefits better than you?

So, let’s quickly show you how to sell on Etsy.

Think of it as 5 vital Etsy selling tips. 

1. Promote Your Product by Wearing or Using Them

When one of my friends decided to start an Etsy shop, he came to me to ask for tips on how to sell on Etsy, and the first thing I told him is that he should start by wearing the clothes he had put on Etsy on sale.

Whether you make organic t-shirts or note pads, you have to be willing to use your own products.

You will find a few people asking to know where you got it, and then you can give them a link to your Etsy store.

2. Market Through Your Friends and Family. Its wise and its allowed!

Many people never make use of this great avenue to promote their Etsy store.

Your family and friends represents a link to reach a lot of people you couldn’t possibly reach on your own.

Don’t be afraid to link your business page to your personal Facebook page in fear that it may seem odd to your work colleagues.

When you advertise through your own personal social media accounts, and have your friends and family and friends share it to their friends, some of which would also share or re-tweet, what you get is a ripple effect that can even get you selling on Etsy to people many miles away.

Also, if you know anyone that works as a receptionist or a front desk officer, give them one or two of your products to use and enough business cards.

When this is done properly, the chain effect could up your Etsy shop on auto-pilot.

3. Maximize The Power of Social Media

The fact that even Etsy has put twitter and Facebook share buttons on storefronts should tell you how important social media is to selling on Etsy.

If you have been wondering how to sell on Etsy, then maybe you have not put aside enough time to market your product and business through social networking.

Set aside just ten to twenty minutes each day to use your Facebook, twitter, website or blog to promote what you have put on Etsy on sale.

This will begin to yield positive effect in no time. If you only have one or two social media accounts, create more.

When you have three or four, you can link them all together with a free application and use that to update all avenues at once in ten minutes every day.

Think about it, you get significant sales increase for just 10 minutes daily investment and you even get to use just one app to update all your accounts at once.

Do this and you may never need to ask anyone how to sell on Etsy ever again.

4. Pay Attention To Feedback

Anyone who knows how to sell on Etsy would tell you feedback is very important.
This is the third of my Etsy selling tips and it is all about feedback.
For example, if more than a few people have asked if you sell matching earrings to your beautiful necklace, then you should know it’s time to start selling earrings too.

When you listen to feedback, you can start designing your products to match what your customers need.

For instance, you may have to add pendants, rings or bracelets to your necklace. That is how you expand your business, by listening to feedback.

5. Use Your Spouse and Teams to Promote Your Etsy Shop

Getting more sales is about extending your reach through every avenue you can. Do you have a spouse or fan you can give your business cards to?

If it is someone sufficiently motivated to help you, they could do almost very impressive job leveraging on their contacts for the success of your business.

So, the 5th of my Etsy selling tips is about expanding your reach through spouses and teams.

When you start an Etsy shop, join teams, together you can benefit from more marketing opportunities and develop a sound sales strategy.

This will yield increased sales on everything team members have on Etsy on sale.

In retrospect

Even after reading all the etsy selling tips out there, you have to stay vigilant, focused, and dedicated so you won’t miss any opportunity to market yourself, your product and your business.

Once you have trained your eyes, you will find that indeed “Every opportunity is a marketing opportunity”.

“About Charles Curry”

Charles founded his Etsy shop Wall Decal Source in 2012. He opened his decal shop and decided to create a nursery decal for his sisters new baby. Funnily enough he published the decal as an item for sale on his Etsy shop and people really liked it. Well a few years later and his shop has been almost completely taken over by nursery wall decals. He must still be a kid at heart. As Charles tested and tried all sorts of methods to expand his shop he stumbled upon a few simple formulas for consistently growing Etsy sales and views.

About Charles Curry

Charles founded his Etsy shop Wall Decal Source in 2012. He opened his decal shop and decided to create a nursery decal for his sisters new baby. Funnily enough he published the decal as an item for sale on his Etsy shop and people really liked it. Well a few years later and his shop has been almost completely taken over by nursery wall decals. He must still be a kid at heart. As Charles tested and tried all sorts of methods to expand his shop he stumbled upon a few simple formulas for consistently growing Etsy sales and views.
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