Keywords aren’t the only ones that matter when it comes to Etsy search placement. Other factors affect it as well.
Title Relevancy
Items that appear in Etsy’s search results have to match the shopper’s search word or phrase.
For example, when a customer searches for “pearl earrings”, search results will show items that match both “pearl” and “earrings”. However, exact phrase matches are much stronger than individual words. This is why it is important to use keywords that are relevant to your items.
Also, the words at the beginning of the title are considered more important than those at the end.
Item Attribute Relevancy
The information provided in item attributes is also considered in Etsy search, similar to titles.
Select as many accurate attributes when using this. It will maximize the exposure of your products in search results.
Listing Quality
Etsy’s search algorithm considers how well individual listings tend to do in search as well. This will show products that customers are more likely to purchase.
A customer that clicks, favorites and purchases a product after they have seen it in search results will greatly contribute to the quality score of a listing.
Customer and Market Experience
Etsy considers a shop’s record of customer service and whether it is in good standing according to its policies.
Completed About section, great reviews, and completed shop policies can help your placement in Etsy search.
This is why renewing your listings frequently is important. Etsy’s search algorithm also reviews how recently an item was listed or renewed.
Shop Location
Typically, customers prefer to buy items from sellers based in their own countries or neighboring countries. This is why Etsy takes into account the location of the shopper and shop.