Mistakes That Hurt Online Businesses – Part 1

From planning your shop and to marketing it or working with other sellers, a lot of different factors go into your online success. Here are some things that hold sellers back.

Not Be Able To Gain Leads Through Social Media

This is something we’ve touched upon a few times on this blog, but it’s vital to have a social media presence for your store.

You have to be more visible than just selling on Etsy. Post your listings and any types of offers you have across all social media platforms.

Here is a social media sizing guide that will help you make sure you use the correct size images: eshopmarketer.com/social-media-image-size-guide/

If you’re not gaining any leads then you need to change your strategy and how you’re going about it.

Target different groups of people and change up your ad copy. Without any new leads from social media, your business won’t be able to expand at all.

Lack of Referrals

If you seem to be working with the same customers, you need to be interacting with more customers and working to get referrals from them.

Send out messages and emails asking for them to refer to your business.

On social media, all you need to do is post a status or an update asking for any past and happy customers to give feedback and refer your store to anyone who would be interested.

The other way to go about this is to offer some sort of discount or deal for people willing to refer your store and give you a type of feedback. At worst it will add credibility and the best it will bring in new business.

Not Having A Customer Database

This is a killer mistake. If you don’t do this reaching out to past buyers, will almost be impossible.

Sending them special offers based on their interests won’t be possible. Pixeling customers or just visitors with Facebook is big for retargeting.

Having an email list of customers and even leads is absolutely huge for the success of your store and its growth.

Keeping track of the return customers is a great way to measure service and customer service you are providing.

But most importantly it’s for promoting new listings, offers, and anything else related to your store.

Starting or Offering New Products Without Enough Research

It may seem like a normal thing to do, but a lot of shops start selling on Etsy only to find out that the market for their niche isn’t big enough to make money.

If your selling custom socks and only a certain amount are bought each year, doing some easy research to find out that the market isn’t worth it will save you a failure.

Using Short Descriptions

Don’t use a one-line description. Just keep it simple while staying as descriptive as possible. This is where you put yourself in the customers’ shoes.

Think of what you would want to read about a product if you were searching for it.

Is the description too long? Is there information there that you didn’t need to know? Is there anything else you need to know about the product before you buy it?

Having a Poor About Section on Your Shop’s Homepage

It should tell a story and serve a purpose to get customers and potential customers to connect with you through that story. Not using it for a connection is missing out.

People might remember it or connect with a certain facet about yourself. The artist’s persona is part of their brand, so tell a great story.

Click here to read Part 2 and discover EVEN MORE mistakes to avoid when setting up your Etsy shop 

About Charles Curry

Charles founded his Etsy shop Wall Decal Source in 2012. He opened his decal shop and decided to create a nursery decal for his sisters new baby. Funnily enough he published the decal as an item for sale on his Etsy shop and people really liked it. Well a few years later and his shop has been almost completely taken over by nursery wall decals. He must still be a kid at heart. As Charles tested and tried all sorts of methods to expand his shop he stumbled upon a few simple formulas for consistently growing Etsy sales and views.
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