Etsy is brimming with unique and lovely items. It would be a pity if your incredible work didn’t sell because your item description left your buyers confused.
We have here a list to help you brainstorm ideas for your next item description. Keep in mind that your buyer will not be able to see the item in person. Don’t think that your item’s attributes are evident to your consumer or that your images speak for themselves. You might even describe your goods as if you didn’t have any photos for your buyer to see. Make them feel as if they are holding your item in their hands.

Some of the questions may not apply to all products or vendors. This is simply a starting point for considering what your consumer would like to know about your amazing work.
- What is it? It may be self-evident what the item is, but it may not be to your consumer.
- How big is it? I don’t want to have to estimate if that picture will fit above my fireplace or if those earrings will dangle past my shoulders as a customer.
- What color is it? It’s possible that the hue on your computer monitor differs from mine.
- What is it made from? What materials and methods are used?
- Who should purchase it? Who should NOT purchase it, or who should buy it? Is it safe for pregnant women to use? Children? Pets?
- How do I care for it? Is it okay if I wash and dry the wool sweater?
- What is it used for? Does it have a function? Is it for decoration purposes? Both?
- How does it work? Is there a fastener? Is it supposed to be tied around my waist?
- What does it feel like? Is that scarf nice to the touch? How does the texture feel? Is that necklace particularly hefty?
- What makes this one superior to the one at the next store? What unique skills, materials, or concepts do you employ to make your product the finest it can be?
- Do I get everything in the picture? I see 12 items in your photo; do I have all of them? Is there only one of you? Is the gorgeous bauble in the backdrop included, or is it just for decoration?
- Is it going to fit me? When I go shopping in a physical store, I may try on 12 different items and find one that fits properly. I’m taking a huge risk by purchasing clothing online. Please make my life simpler by providing detailed measurement and size information. Don’t assume your consumer understands what you mean when you say “large” or “small.”
- What if it doesn’t fit? Is this something I’m stuck with? Will you take it back? Who pays for the return shipping?
- How does the item arrive? Is it made to order or ready to ship? Is it gift-wrapped?
- Is everything all set to go? Is that piece of art ready to hang? Is it necessary for me to frame it first?
- Will I receive the EXACT thing seen in the picture? Is this a stock photo, or will I be receiving the identical item?
- How can I tell whether it’s “vintage”? What type of research did you take to verify the item’s age? Is it clearly marked? Is there a time stamp on it? Do you have any expertise working with vintage and antique items?
- Is there going to be a stench? Is there a nasty, musty stench to that old item? Is the vendor a smoker when he’s working on the item?
- What exactly do all of those fancy terms imply? Don’t assume your consumer knows what a cabochon is or what the terms giclee and gocco are.
- Is this something I can live without? Your consumer may be able to do without your products. It’s your mission to persuade them to buy it. Tell them why having this product is so awesome. Is that gorgeous jewelry going to make them feel like a princess? Is the plate not only useful but also a beautiful piece of art? Is that the ideal present for those who are challenging to shop for?