I know what you’re thinking. What is Etsy Promoted Listings?
Etsy Promoted Listings is Etsy’s offering to sellers to advertise their listings. On average, 1 in every 4 rows of results on Etsy is for those under Etsy Promoted Listings.
Etsy advertising is a huge help to make your listings visible to tons of Etsy customers. If you want to grow your reach faster, Etsy advertising is the best way to go. Etsy will let you promote your listings daily by spending a specific amount of budget. Etsy will then pop your listings on top of search results.
Factors that Affect Etsy Listing Performance

- Search Relevancy – This is the extent to which your listings match the user’s search term.
- Bidding Amount – The higher the bid, the higher will be the chances for your listings to show at the top of search results.
- Listing Quality – This is where Etsy SEO comes to play. Your listing should be compelling, including the title and description.
- Timing – Traffic on Etsy is not the same throughout the day. The timing, availability, and season of the listing matter as well.
Setting Up Etsy Promoted Listings
Step 1: Log in to your Etsy account then go to SHOP MANAGER.
Step 3: Set your daily budget. The minimum bid is as low as $1 a day.
Step 4: Configure the settings. Go to AD PERFORMANCE SECTION and click MANAGE. Go to ADVANCED SETTING. Here, you will get options to enable or disable for your promoted listings.
Step 5: Enable PROMOTED ETSY LISTINGS. Look for AD STATS AND SETTINGS on your dashboard and select the listings that you want to promote. Tickmark the applicable. Click on TURN ON.
Strategies to Make Etsy Promoted Listings Work for You
- Make sense of the amount you can afford per posting.
- Identify your listings that sell.
- Promote listings that sell well.
- Your catchphrases matter.
What is the Cost to Promote Your Listings on Etsy?

Etsy Promoted Listings works on Cost per Click model (CPC). This simply means that you will be charged every time someone clicks on your listings. They mainly work on bidding. Biddings differ depending on the product type.
You are charged when your listing is clicked from an advanced spot on list items. The budget per click is summed every day and then added to your PAYMENT ACCOUNT the next day.