conversion rate

Conversion Rate 101

It’s really great that you are getting tons of traffic to your listings but the problem is, your sales are low.

The question is – why is this happening?

If this is what you are going through right now with your Etsy shop, you might want to check your conversion rate.

You can try tweaking a few things here and there to increase your conversion rate – your title, photos, descriptions, etc.

But First: What is Conversion Rate?

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your listings and buy something from your shop.

You know your shop is doing great when you have a high conversion rate.

Conversion rate is also important if you want to keep track of the changes you make to your Etsy shop.

Calculating Your Conversion Rate

First, find out how many are coming to your shop. Just go to your Shop Manager > Stats.

To calculate your shop’s conversion rate, stay on the “Traffic” tab then scroll down to “Explore Your Data”.

You can adjust your graph number by selecting “Visits” and “Orders”. Also, use months instead of days so you can have a much better view of your shop’s statistics.

The Formula

Here is the formula you can use to calculate your conversion rate:

Conversion Rate = total number of orders ÷ total number of visits x 100


50 ÷ 3489 x 100 = 1.43%

Knowing your conversion rate will give you an idea of how your shop is performing.

A good conversion rate should not be lower than 1%. Of course, the higher, the better.

How Often Should You Monitor Your Conversion Rate?

You can check your conversion rate every 1 to 2 months. Document it in an Excel or Google spreadsheet together with the changes you made. It will enable you to see the improvements with your shop.

About Charles Curry

Charles founded his Etsy shop Wall Decal Source in 2012. He opened his decal shop and decided to create a nursery decal for his sisters new baby. Funnily enough he published the decal as an item for sale on his Etsy shop and people really liked it. Well a few years later and his shop has been almost completely taken over by nursery wall decals. He must still be a kid at heart. As Charles tested and tried all sorts of methods to expand his shop he stumbled upon a few simple formulas for consistently growing Etsy sales and views.
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